Blogger Layouts



my form 4 final exam 2011 will started tomorrow
the first subject is ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS
very worried __
what shall i do if i cant get my target..??
how many marks i can get..??
is it i can get the KFC voucher from Mr. Tan ..??
i hope i can get it __
because i long time no eat KFC already__
hehe.. very greedy i am
i make a promise to someone..
so i need to do it..
although i cant get the target..
at least i already try my best
i think 'someone' wont scold me gua..

although u cant teach me ..
but i will do my best..
the problems that i cant solve it..
i will try to solve it by myself..
do u still remember our promise..??
i hope u still remember oh~
and don't for get it before i do it..
because i want the .................... =D
waiting for your xxxxxxxxxx    =)

i'm coming..
don't worries..
i will kill you softly
you wont feel my suffering during i'm killing you
coz  I love U __

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